Friday, September 13, 2013

Three Super-Easy Steps to Healthy Oven-Roasted Sweet-Potato Wedges

Sweet potatoes, you gotta love 'em for being a rich source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Unless you're completely a newbie to the wonders of sweet potatoes, now that's another matter. You have a lot of enlightening to go through just yet. 

In the Philippines, we call sweet potatoes, "kamote." It's a super food for me because it's cheap, filling, and amazingly nutritious. Assuredly, practical parents won't fret on the price of this super food.

Usually, in cooking sweet potato, I just boil it in water without adding anything. I got tired of the taste, so I wanted to try a new recipe. 

I got the Oven-Roasted Sweet-Potato Wedges from Health's website, but I did not follow everything because I don't have all of the ingredients. 

Below is the one I tried and to make it more interesting, I asked my 5-year-old daughter to help me. She's not much of an eating person. I always have to force her to eat, almost always (quite her mother's opposite!). I decided to have her help me with the preparations to increase her interest in food. Maybe if she helped me cook it, she will be more interested in eating it!

I woke my daughter up earlier than usual, and she woke pretty fast when she learned she'd be cooking. That's one of her fastest waking-up rates, second to the times when her military father is around.

Let's get to work. It's baking time!

Oven-Roasted Sweet-Potato Wedges Recipe


  • small sweet potatoes (Note: I would have wanted it unpeeled and brushed well to clean the skin, but the skin was not so nice, so I had to peel it.)
  • 1 tablespoon garlic-flavored olive oil (Note: I don't have garlic-flavored olive oil so I just added some minced garlic on the olive oil.)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt 


  1. Preheat oven to 450°. (I don't have an oven yet, so I used my roaster).
  2. Peel sweet potatoes; cut each potato lengthwise into 8 wedges. In a large bowl, combine sweet potatoes and remaining ingredients; toss well to coat.
  3. Arrange potatoes in a single layer on a baking sheet or the grill. Bake potatoes at 450° for 30 minutes or until soft and lightly browned, turning wedges after the first 15 minutes. Serve immediately.

healthy oven roasted sweet potato wedges
My daughter patiently waits for her breakfast.

Testing, Testing

Okay, so the sweet potatoes cooked in only 13 minutes, maybe because the preheating took too long, Or so I thought. I put the temperature incorrectly, actually. Toinks! 

Anyway, probably becaus of the hurried cooking, it's a bit dry and not enough saltiness for me. I would add a little more than a dash. Zoe loved it though. I mean, chef Zoe loved it. We dipped it in tomato ketchup. 

Yummy mother-child bonding. Hurrah to healthy living!

Healthy oven roasted sweet-potato wedges
Ready to eat! Healthy sweet potatoes! (Sorry for the poor lighting. I'm still getting used to taking photos of food in our seemingly-underground kitchen hehe)

How did this recipe go for you? What sweet potato recipes have you tried already? 

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